Sunday, May 20, 2007

Mom's Birthday

Mom was born on May 23rd...a long long long long long long long long long long long time ago. Since she is going to Las Vegas for her Birthday, we celebrated it early.

We cooked up some ribs in our La Caja China Roasting Box

and headed out for a boat ride.

We made it back to shore and had one of Amy's famous cakes:

It was made with Orange Jello....I wait while you try and comprehend what that might taste like. This is one of the few times that Dad and I did not eat the cake. Usually they taste much much better than they look. Not so much this time. Even the kids stayed away which tells you something. Amy claims that women really like it. I will have to just trust her on that one.

Here are some more pictures: Mom's Birthday Pics


Unknown said...

Sloane Family - how did you cook the ribs in the caja china? did you follow there instructions from ? they look great! would you try something different next time you do ribs? im thinking about doing some today and im worried about them being too dry. thanks

Daddy Sloane said...


We followed the instructions on the site which was basically one hour and then flip add more charcoal and wait another 30-45min.

They were anything but dry. We did use a dry rub literally they WERE dry but the meat was super tender. email me if you want more info..I will watch it carefully since you are doing them today. Good Luck!!

Daddy Sloane said...

oops..forgot email address: is the simplist.

Unknown said...

daddy sloane, Thank you so much for the quick reply. I ended up cooking the ribs yesterday and they came out great. I used a dry rub, but will try one without sugar next time. I also might try to brine the ribs and see if they come out any better.

Thank you again for the quick reply. Enjoy the caja china, this thing is great.


Daddy Sloane said...


Glad it worked out. I might try the brine trick as well. I think also next time we are going to try and add some BBQ sauce when we make the flip.

We did chickens this time and they did not come out that well. Most likely the flavoring is the problems vs. the box.

The box is great. We are just finding excuses to use it now :)