Monday, September 3, 2007

Kids Fishing Tournament

My Favorite photo from the tournament. Yuria and her Barbie Fishing pole.
Our yatch club has a fishing tournament just for kids each year. The kids love it!

Kenneth and his first catch. After a quick measure back into the harbor the fish goes.

Sammy concentrating on getting his fish to the measuring station.

Yuria and her GrandPa.

The Kids and all of their loot. Joining us today is Dima (second from left)
Click Here to see more

Presbyterian Collage Boat Trip

My college invited Charleston Alumni for a boat ride in the Harbor. It was for young alumni whichs begs to question why WE were invited. We were the only ones with kids with us...heck I think the only ones with kids period.


Kenneth's 10th Birthday

Rieko Makes all of the Kids Cakes...ain't she good?!

I can not believe that Kenneth is already 10 years old. It seems like just yesterday I was young and carefreee :)

Here are some pictures. We had the party at our house this year.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

La Caja China

It has been a long time since I posted. Sorry about that. We have been busy with Summer and with School just about to start back up we are cramming in activities we just won't have time for when school does begin next week.

Here are some pictures from the cooking we did for Kenneth's 10Th birthday. I LOVE my Caja China!!

Here is the Raw meet getting ready to be turned into something yummy...for La Caja China experts out there..can you spot my nearly fatal mistake?

Here is Dad adding the lighter fluid. We love this part. As much fluid as you want can be added since none of the flavor goes into the meat. 2 piles of bricks...just like the side of the box says :)

More Fluid and a visit from Yuria.


When the charcoal is ready it looks something like this. Spread it out and sit back and enjoy your hour off cooking with a nice cold adult beverage.

This is after one hour of cooking. We use a dry rub from a local BBQ catering outfit. Great stuff. Can you spot my mistake yet? Bone up for the first hour is the rule...I did not follow it. Luckily it turned out fine but the general 2 rules we have found the MOST important. Start your food from room temperature..especially when doing a pig and ALWAYS do bones up for the first part.

After the flip we decided to lather on some BBQ sauce. The ones to the left is typical ketchup based sauce while to the far right is Mustard based. All of them have the dry rub but the middle ones are left that way.

You will also not that we have added corn to the mix. It is a tough receipie for perfect corn so you may want to take notes.

Step one: Fresh Corn
Step two: 1/4 to 1/3 inch slab of butter
Step 3: Wrap in tinfoil
Step 4: Toss in La Caja China

Doesn't sound like much but it is awesome and in the last 30 mins it takes to finish the ribs the corn cooks perfectly.


Get your own at

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

We had a great Father's Day which included great steaks, a boat ride and time with the family. Fantastic!!!

Thanks kids for my new Grill cover. It is very special!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

La Caja China

We broke out the magic box once more to prepare food for a visit from an old college buddy. This time we did Chicken and Ribs. All turned out fantastic as usual. The Chickens did not brown like I was hoping once I turned them but they were fantastic tasting and that's what matters. We have done ribs 2x now using a dry rub from BlackJack BBQ which is a local James Island Company. We love it. We are going to try and use BBQ sauce the next time. I am thinking we should add the sauce once we flip the ribs at the 1 hour mark. Any Suggestions?

See the little dish in the corner? That is our lame attempt at using Hickory Wood chips to add flavor. My father and I agree that at this point it is more for presentation than anything else. :)

Our next adventure will either be the 4th of July or Kenneth's 10th BDay at the end of July. I have to find more reasons to cook with this thing. I am trying to convince my wife that we can cook 4 racks a rib one Saturday each month and then we could freeze them and eat them throughout the month.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Mom's Birthday

Mom was born on May 23rd...a long long long long long long long long long long long time ago. Since she is going to Las Vegas for her Birthday, we celebrated it early.

We cooked up some ribs in our La Caja China Roasting Box

and headed out for a boat ride.

We made it back to shore and had one of Amy's famous cakes:

It was made with Orange Jello....I wait while you try and comprehend what that might taste like. This is one of the few times that Dad and I did not eat the cake. Usually they taste much much better than they look. Not so much this time. Even the kids stayed away which tells you something. Amy claims that women really like it. I will have to just trust her on that one.

Here are some more pictures: Mom's Birthday Pics

Mother's Day

We went to Ryan's which of course is the absolute best place to pig out! Here are some pictures.

My Grandmom still has a bit of an issue with Digital Cameras....She does not seem to realize that she has to be ready for a picture every instant of the day :P


Rieko and I joined several thousand people in Columbia for the FairTax Rally coinciding with the Republican Debate. Here are some pictures from the coliseum. The basic concept is eliminating the IRS and all hidden taxes and replace it with a national consumption tax. Very cool Idea. To find out more visit:
Here are some Pictures: FairTax Rally

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Thanks for Visiting!

Hi all! Thanks for visiting. Rieko has been checking the site for comments...please be sure to leave some!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Kodomo Nohi 2007

For the last three years we have hosted a "Children's Day Party (Kodomo Nohi)" It is a chance for us all to get together for some good food and good fellowship. We invite any and all Japanese we know personally or happen to run into during the course of the year. This year was Fantastic as we had lots of new Families join us. We hold the party each year at my parents and Rieko is an amazing Hostess.

Here are the links for the past couple of years: 2005 and 2006

2007 Party!

This Year we decided to try out our new Pig Roaster

We worked Really Hard on cooking this is the proof!

Check out More of the Pig Roast Action

We also took a boat ride looking for Dolphins. Believe it or not there were 37 people on Board the old Pontoon Boat. Best thing was we Found the Dolphins!

We had a fantastic time and hope that everyone that came did as well. Everyone is welcome and if by chance you did not get the word or hesitated coming because we did not directly invite you, please, please come next year.

Okinawa Trip

(I took this picture at Kariba Bay)

Rieko and the kids spent 45 days in Okinawa visiting family in 2006. I joined them for the last
15 or so days. We had a wonderful time. If you ever have the chance...check it out!

The plants and natural things we saw were amazing.

Yuria at one of the amazing Beaches

Here is Rieko's Family. Back Row from the Right is: Kyoko 3rd Brother's Wife; Sanekazu, Rieko's 3rd Brother; Kumiko, Rieko's Sister; Sanemori, Rieko's Oldest Brother; Sanehiro, Rieko's 4th Brother; Me; Rieko; Mama-san, Rieko's Mother.

There is an amazing Aquarium in Okinawa. Huge and absolutly beautiful. I have never seen any American Aquarium come close to matching it. Here are a couple shots of it.

Check out the Website

I am going to skip ahead since the pictures are already posted on our other site.
Family Website We hope that you take some time and visit the pictures there.

I am skipping ahead because I have some new Pictures that I really want to get posted.

Sammy's 4th BDay

I think Sammy might be a little pooped after having a Great time!! Sammy's 4th BDay

PC Homecoming

I graduated Presbyterian College in 1994. We went to Homecoming in 2004.

PC Homecoming

Kenneth's 7th Birthday Party

Rieko used to take an ESL class since she is from Japan and thinks that she can not speak English. Here are some pictures from one of their parites. ESL Party

Saying Goodbye to a Friend

One of Kenneth's Classmates is having to move because of his Dad's Job. We had a little party for them to say good bye.

We also Celebrated Mom's Birthday around the same time. My Sister, Amy (on the left), is in charge of making cakes for Family events. We get some of the best laughs because of her efforts. Some don't laugh as much :P

May 2004

Having Some Fun

Here are some more shots of us just having some fun. The Red Scarf if one of Mom's during her Chemo days.