Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Kodomo Nohi Videos.

Crappy quality. Sorry. Still getting used to this camera and proper techniques.

This year a Eisa Group from Atlanta came to perform for us. We appreciate them traveling so far. Everyone had a good time.

This year we also had a Kids Talent show. Enjoy!

Monday, May 18, 2009

5th Annual Kodomo Nohi 2009

For the last five years we have hosted a "Children's Day Party (Kodomo Nohi)" It is a chance for us all to get together for some good food and good fellowship. We invite any and all Japanese we know personally or happen to run into during the course of the year. This year was Fantastic as we had lots of new Families join us. We hold the party each year at my parents and Rieko is an amazing Hostess!

An initial count puts the crowd over 100 people. 30 more than last year!

Special Thanks to the Helpers!

It took these ladies 12 hours over 2 days to decorate the cake. They claimed to have work straight through with no breaks....not so sure.... :)

This year we featured a Kids' Talent show with some amazing youngsters.

We were very fortunate to have a Eisa Group (Okinawan Traditional Dancing) come all the way from Atlanta GA to perform for the group. Thanks Guys and Gals!

Check out the full album...

Yuria's School Play

yuria play 2009